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Martial Arts Fitness and Nutrition

Martial arts fitness comprises highly specialized disciplines. It is often quite surprisingly for many people, to learn that it goes far beyond the idea of mere physical self defense.

The unique training of mind and body derives much of its benefit from an enhanced individual awareness of physical conditioning, nutrition, plus the intellectual, emotional and psychological principles to which these arts aspire.

Combat effectiveness plus peace of mind comprise a unique balance which can be complemented by the way in which one lives his or her daily life. As such, the routines of eating and anatomical enhancement go hand in hand for ultimate achievement in martial arts practice.

Why is martial arts nutrition so much more important than it may be for "average" fitness practitioners? Basically, fitness and nutrition are important for essentially EVERY athletic performer.

However, martial arts activities engage a highly consuming type of energy. The intensity level involved in training for martial artists tends to deplete the standard amounts of nutrients which an average body will store.

Such a depletion of reserves can be crucial in a mixed martial arts event, for example, which often lasts only for a brief period of time, yet also calls upon vast amounts of well focused plus highly forceful power.

Proper nutrition becomes the backbone for the effective completion of a martial arts session. Especially during bouts, whether they be planned for exhibition or an actual resolution of existing confrontational circumstance... the performing martial artist must remain consistently prepared to deliver monumental yet balanced explosions of physical intensity.

Thus, quite complementary to martial arts nutrition are the rich and complex types of carbohydrates. These tend to supply a much more steady flow of balanced energy.

In a nutshell, martial artists must eat the types of foods which impact overall health in the most positive ways. This includes the avoidance of cellular destruction which free radicals can cause, along with a carefully balanced intake of crucial minerals and vitamins.


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